The "Blue" Mustang

In 2008 the Denver International Airport unveiled a 32 foot sculpture of a rearing, blue mustang.  Its creator, Luis Jimenez, nationally known for unique, controversial art used his Chicano background to create a sculpture that symbolized the history and myths of the Wild West.  While a rearing, blue mustang may seem innocent, considerable controversy has surrounded the sculpture, causing many to take a stance regarding its future.  Frequent flyers and citizens of Denver were aghast at the sight of the large, anatomically correct male horse with glowing red eyes and a menacing disposition.  In addition, many believe the horse to be a bad omen after a piece of the fiberglass sculpture killed Jimenez in 2006.  Rachel Hultin has led a movement to remove the sculpture and believes the Mustang to be scary and unpleasant for visitors.  She argues, “Things with glowing eyes are culturally associated with the dead.”  Hultin is not alone, evidenced by the names associated with the sculpture: Demon Mustang, Meth Horse, Bluecifer, and Satan’s Stallion.  The meaning behind the glowing eyes, however, is much less menacing than Hultin’s interpretation.  Jimenez merely intended to memorialize his father, a neon-light artist by prominently featuring the Mustang’s red eyes.

Despite heated opposition, there are those who find the Blue Mustang an appealing piece of art and have fought vocally to defend the sculpture.  It is unclear if the Mustang will have permanent residency at the Denver International Airport and the negativity surrounding the sculpture will likely take years to dissipate.



Sources: Anonymous. “Denver International Airport ‘Mustang’ Sculpture Eligible for Removal this Month.” Huffington Post.
 Johnson, Kirk. “And Behold a Big Blue Horse? Many in Denver Just Say Neigh.” New York Times, March 1, 2009.


Blue Mustang
The "Blue" Mustang